Adventure Drama Romance Fantasy Netflix Shows on Netflix


DISCLAIMER: There are some sensitive and triggering episodes. Be advised, adult content is shown.

An English nurse from 1945 mysteriously travels to 1743. She must use her knowledge of the past to navigate through life in the 18th century. In 1945, she was a married woman of the modern era, however in 1943, she was a suspicious woman due to her strange clothing, accent, and knowledge of herbs. While living in 1743, she learns about the Scottish culture, becomes a healer, and saves countless Scottish people. I devoured each episode because love, war, dishonor, sacrifice, hope, lust, and honor were common themes. I loved the characters and cried when something horrible happened to them. Take a trip to Scotland, Paris, England, and many more thrilling locations.

Seasons 1- 4 are found on Netflix. Season 5 found on STARZ. 4.9/5

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